Small groups and/or orchestral
Click on titles:
- Bardo (Mark Xiao flute trio) for Australian Flute Festival 2019.
- Gallipoli Sensings III (ww trio) for Contemporary Gallipoli Exhibition Macquarie University 2016. Performed by RAAF Band.
- String Talk (excerpt), SSO, soloist Andrew Haveron.
- Fish Hooked, Mark Xiao flute, and Edward Neeman piano.
- Lydian Caprice, - (for Crossroads Festival string quintet, Chris Pidcock, Glen Donnelly, others) 2010.
- Djagamara, flute and harp featuring Mark Xiao) to the memory of James Djagamara MacLeod, 2018.
- Symphony of the Birds, (excerpt from movement 3), Central Coast Symphony Orchestra, 2007.
Guitar pieces
Click on titles:
- Mango Tango from North Country Sketches - 2001 (for guitar) Ken Murray.
- Storm (Downloads image with music) 2011 from Brackish Songs (for mezzo-soprano and guitar), from the Brackish Songs photo/music show with CSU photo head Dr Jamie Holcombe, exploring regional images and music.
- Labyrinth - 2008 (for guitar) Performed by Christopher Sainsbury, from the Anima CD.
- Bach of the "bidgee (movement 6) for Canberra International Music Festival 2019, featuring William Barton (didg), Sally Walker (flute), Veronique Secret (vln), Bree van Reyk (perc), Callum Henshaw (guitar).